It’s North by-Gawd Texas; it’s the last of March and I’m sitting here in a flannel robe, heater running to beat all and I’m freezing.
Bloody hell.
Speaking of freezing (and the fate reserved for “journalists” who can’t even be arsed to look up simple rules of the language) would folks kindly remind the sodding Mainstream Media that the proper appellation is: “Pope Francis” NOT “Pope Francis I“? He can’t be an “I” until there is a “II”. Schmucks.
The new pontiff seems to be a good-natured, salt-of-the-earth, unassuming sort. The Vatican might do to keep a weather-eye out — those salt-of-the-earth folks have a nasty habit of turning your whole world up-side down in spite of your best efforts, and frequently before you know what’s happening (see Pope John XXIII [oops]).
Governor Hickenlooper of Colorado seems to be hell-bent on following the kamikaze model in his political career, at least I hope so. The State of Colorado is already panicking a bit over the prospect of a boycott of hunting and/or fishing in Colorado — a boycott I am considering throwing my weight behind — and Magpul is making good on its’ promise to remove revenue from the State of Colorado if Hickenlooper got stupid.
Which reminds me — I need to order something from Magpul.
I note that the POTUS has been taking a guided tour of Petra. Gorgeous place, and one that I’d like to visit my-own-self someday — but doesn’t the President have a sodding job to do?! Sequestration, and all that?! Sweet haploid Christ on a flaming pogo stick — you’re getting paid good tax-payer money to tend to this country. ACT LIKE YOU’RE ACTUALLY CONCERNED.
Speaking of, does anyone have access to a comparison of the numbers of vacations and the cost of each between Presidents Bush and Obama? I ask, because I have a distinct memory of the Media, and liberals in general(but I repeat myself) lambasting President Bush over his vacations. Sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander and all that. If Bush was a meanie for taking too many vacations, and deserved the scorn of the Media, then if President Obama has been taking a similar number of vacations then he deserves the same amount of scorn.
Yeah. That’s going to happen. *spit*
Russia is making cooing noises with China, while giving us the old cold shoulder. Seems the President Obama’s promise of “more flexibility” after his election isn’t impressing the Russians. I’d insert a massive “DERP!” here, but it just doesn’t seem sporting. Fish in a barrel, don’t you know?
Senator Dianne Feinstein seems to have gotten her knickers into a bit of a knot after an object lesson in political liabilities and realities. “Stormed from his office”! Wow. That’s what I like to see in my elected officials: The emotional stability and maturity of a tantrum-throwing three-year-old. It’s a set-back. Deal with it, buttercup.
Took the fur-children in to the V-E-T yesterday. Chuy is about 18 pounds (unknown how much of that is blue-jay); Mochi is a svelte 17 pounds; and Miss Praline is at the lower end at 15 and change. I must have looked a bit startled, because the V-E-T assured me that “Dachsies are just more … dense … than Jack Russells.”
Not sure, but is “dense” something like “big-boned”?
Ah, well. Off to have fun in Oklahoma later.