Sharp-eyed readers have noticed that ‘Ghosts of Malta’ was published by Raconteur Press.
That is my personal Publishing house — a ‘vanity press’ as it were — and is not a shell corporation for anyone else. It is me, Herself, C.V. Walter, and Jonna Hayden.
I have made the decision that in the future I will not be publishing through anyone that I haven’t sat down and had a drink or a meal with; and if I can’t drive a couple of hours — or days — and settle issues over a mug of coffee, I’m not going to sign a contract with them.
Speaking of, contracts for the second Malta anthology were e-mailed last night — we already have a cover, and we’re looking at a release date the week prior to FenCon in September.
One of the pleasant things I’m discovering about chairing anthologies is publishing first-time fiction authors. The Malta Anthologies have several authors whose first ever foray into fiction is these collections, and their giddy squee-ing gives me a warm feeling that I didn’t expect. Rather nice.
Sigh. That reminds me — when we get decently out of the red, I need to find someone to make a logo for Raconteur Press. Something with a fox, I think.
We’re still accepting stories for the third Malta book, and we’ll start accepting submissions for the ‘Space Cowboys’ anthology after we get FenCon in the bag.
‘Pinup Noir’ submissions will open … probably November, but I’m not locking in to any dates until we get August and September done with.